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Training and Raising a Dog in Arizona

The state of Arizona is highly regarded as dog-friendly. In fact, this state has the highest percentage of dog owners in America, with roughly 48 percent of its citizens owning dogs. Nearly 63 percent of the people who live in Arizona own some sort of pet, whether that be a dog, a cat, or any other animal. This makes it extremely likely that you or someone you know is a proud owner of a dog or another pet.

Regardless of what type of dog you might own or are looking to add as a new permanent member of the family, one of the most important things to consider is how they will be trained and what you should do to keep them safe. There are a lot of breeds of dogs out there that are extremely easy to train; however, every breed of dog, and indeed, every individual dog, is different. Some animals can prove to be incredibly trying when you train them. If your dog has a bad habit of running away from you often or getting into trouble, you might want to buy a wireless, underground fence.