Dog Guard of Minnesota
Owner: Polzin, Aaron
Phone: (952) 300-7460
Email: info@dogguardmn.com
Address: Mankato, MN
Dog Guard of Wisconsin & Minnesota
Owner: Evenson, Daren
Phone: (715) 554-7281
Email: daren@dogguardfencing.com
Address: Amery, WI
Dog Guard of Fargo
Owner: Kjar, Anders
Phone: (701) 412-2716
Email: info@dogguardfargo.com
Address: Kindred, ND 58051
Training and Raising a Dog in Minnesota
A dog is a great addition to any family. It is wonderful to have the added companionship of an animal, and a dog can be an extra playmate for your children. Since your dog becomes an important part of your family, it is important to do everything you can to help your dog to remain safe. One solution is to install an electric dog fence. MN dog owners understand the importance of training their dogs and keeping them healthy. In addition to taking your dog in for regular vet visits, it is important to work on training your dog.
When you first get a puppy, there is a lot of work you need to do. It is important to have a consistent system in place as you work with your dog to create positive behavior. Start with a clear plan when you begin house-training your puppy. If you use a crate to house-train the dog, it can make the process easier. It does take work and observation to help teach your puppy to learn to go outside. Most puppies are ready to be house-trained between two and four months old.
Just as important as house-training is keeping your pets safe on your property. One of the best ways to do this is with an electric fence. Minnesota pet owners understand the importance of keeping their pets safe while maintaining a beautiful property; and one of the best ways to do this is with a hidden fence. MN families want to enjoy the outdoors with their pets without worrying about maintaining a traditional fence. A pet fence allows you to put borders around your flower beds and your garden while still allowing your dog to freely roam the yard.
Once your dog is a bit older, you may want to consider taking it to obedience school. These classes can help you learn how to train your dog so you can walk it on a leash and take it out with you in public. Obedience school will reinforce the training you are doing with your pet. You can speak to your vet about good programs in your area. Most obedience programs are for dogs between five and six months old, though some schools may offer an easier class for younger dogs.
When you buy your puppy, it is important to have an idea of when and how your pet can play. By choosing an electric fence, MN dog owners can allow their pets the chance to run freely on the property while staying safe. This means you do not need to worry about chaining up your dog or having your dog wander off in an unfenced yard. You can also use the fence to keep your dog out of your pool. If you are worried about the safety of your dog, you should consider an electric dog fence. Minnesota winters necessitate having a fence that is easy to maintain, and you do not need to worry about how secure your fence is when you receive large amounts of snow.
When you are considering Dog Guard out-of-site fencing, it is important to understand how it works. The fence and its wireless radio receiver will signal to your dog when it is approaching the border of the fence. The wire is buried underground and will remain out of sight, so you do not need to worry about fencing ruining your landscaping. You will train your dog to recognize the areas that are safe for it to play in. In the beginning of the training process, there will be boundary flags put up so your pet can learn where it is allowed to play. We offer a variety of transmitters and collars suitable for any size of pet.
When you are ready to purchase a wireless dog fence, look to Dog Guard first. We have been helping families since 1988. We can help you with an electric dog fence to help keep your pet safe and happy. We will also help you throughout the training process so your pet can learn to stay in your yard where you can keep it safe. Call us today to learn more!